Al compás del corazón – Piano Play Along (Descargable)
$ 40,00
You can buy your Play Along NOW to have fun playing on the tracks recorded with real instruments!
What do you get?
The score of your instrument written in its group role (accompaniments, solos, tuttis, etc) where you will be able to practice the role your instrument plays in a tango group.
The complete reference track in 2 speeds: slow and real time.
The track without your instrument so you can play on top, also in 2 speeds: slow and real time.
You will receive everything in digital form.
I share this video with you so you can see how practical and entertaining it is to play on the Play Along tracks.
En esta demostración, interpreto “Al compás del corazón”, y de esta misma manera, cada Play Along incluye su versión a 2 velocidades, con y sin tu instrumento para que puedas practicar de la mejor manera.
I share this video with you so you can see how practical and entertaining it is to play on the Play Along tracks.
En esta demostración, interpreto “Al compás del corazón”, y de esta misma manera, cada Play Along incluye su versión a 2 velocidades, con y sin tu instrumento para que puedas practicar de la mejor manera.